Improving Digital Financial Literacy Among Our Clients
Every opportunity has advantages and disadvantages. As access to digital technology increases, we also need to be aware of digital financial risks such as cyberattacks, online frauds and thief, and other threats, when making the effective use of financial technologies.
Digital financial literacy (DFL) is about the knowledge, skills, confidence and competencies to safely use digitally delivered financial products and services in order to make smart financial decisions. To contribute to the improvement of literacy and capability among our clients, we will partner with ThitsaWorks to provide DFL training. As a part of Ready Set Go Digital project funded by USAID’s (U.S. Agency for International Development), DFL trainings have been developed and delivered by ThitsaWorks in order to enhance the knowledge of DFL and safely adopt digital financial services among MFIs and their clients – mostly women-operated micro/small/medium enterprises.
We are excited to work with ThitsaWorks to deliver the DFL training from 2023 in order to improve both digital and financial literacies to grassroots level citizens of Myanmar who need to be financially included.
Digital Financial Literacy Program
Through the DFL program, we hope that our clients can safely and effectively utilise digital financial tools and applications such as mobile wallet and internet banking, which will make their access to financial services easier and avoid potential digital financial risks and frauds, while improving our internal efficiencies.
Make your life easier with digital financial products!
About ASG Bancorp Microfinance Limited
ASG Bancorp Microfinance Limited (ASGB), as part of the Asia Sustainability Group, was founded in 2016, provide individuals and entrepreneurs in Myanmar with useful and affordable financial services that meet their needs in the way they need and when they need. Our vision is to become the most efficient and innovative microfinance institution in Myanmar and provide the best service, most flexibility and most client-orientated financial services.
Headquarter Address
No.(B2), Second Floor, Bo Myat Tun Housing, Corner of Maha Bandoola Road & Bo Myat Tun Street, Pazundaung Township, Yangon Region, Myanmar.
+95 9 408555110, +95 9 40855115
The World Bank. (2018). Mobile Subscriptions Per Capita – Myanmar.
The World Bank. (2020). Percent of Internet Users – Myanmar.